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United States Hardscaping Product Market Outlook: Residential Applications Continue to Drive US Hardscaping Industry – Forecasts to 2028”

Further growth opportunities will result from product improvements that allow quicker and easier installation of hardscaping products, requiring less on-site cutting and manipulation. This is particularly important given the labor shortages reported in many construction sectors and the growing DIFM movement among consumers.

Ability to Enhance & Increase the Function of Outdoor Spaces Boosts Hardscaping Demand

Hardscaping will maintain its leading position in the landscaping products market because outdoor living remains popular. Hardscaping can play an essential role in defining outdoor living spaces, improve the functionality thereof, and be used in conjunction with other features to create inviting and usable areas. The rising popularity of mixed materials and shapes in hardscaping products will offer opportunities for both traditional materials and value-added options (such as porcelain and ceramic pavers) that provide different aesthetics or function.

Residential Applications Continue to Drive US Hardscaping Industry

Through 2028, the residential market will account for 57% of absolute value gains in US hardscaping. The leading position is due to the continued growth of outdoor living, which will promote installation of all hardscaping products in all residential market sectors where they give outdoor spaces structure in the form of borders; walls; and flat surfaces for seating, cooking, or walking. Additionally, a trend toward wanting to spend less time mowing their lawns has encouraged homeowners to install hardscaping in their outdoor areas to reduce the amount of land occupied by grass.

However, near term, gains will be tempered by inflation-related trends in core household essentials like food and housing, which has left consumers with less discretionary income for extensive outdoor improvement projects. Opportunities in the near term will stem partly from value-priced options that allow consumers to invest in their current homes, even if housing stock challenges do not allow them to upgrade by moving.

DIY versus Professional Trends

Both consumers and professionals use hardscape products, with the types of products selected depending on the user and application.

Professionals are the more common installers of hardscaping products due to:

  • the complexity of hardscaping projects, which often involve tasks such as grading, excavation and precise installation of materials which professionals are better equipped to handle
  • recreation and infrastructure projects must adhere to a variety of regulations, including safety standards and accessibility requirements, and professionals ensure appropriate compliance in hardscaping installations
  • the specific skills and specialized equipment required for many large hardscape products
  • the labor-intensive nature of many installations
  • the growing DIFM movement among consumers
  • the substantial commercial market for hardscaping products

Despite the continuing DIFM trend, DIY installations saw faster growth from 2018 through 2023 because of ongoing labor shortages that began in 2020 and 2021. The availability of online resources (including tutorials and forums) has also empowered more individuals to take on hardscape projects themselves. However, professional installations will dominate because commercial and recreation and infrastructure clients will continue seeking out professionals for their hardscaping projects.

General Landscaping Outlook & Competitive Products

Real demand gains will be supported by a variety of factors, including:

  • greater availability of DIY kits and pre-built items available at lower price points than on-site construction
  • increasing interest in sustainable and eco-friendly landscaping products, which not only help the environment but also offer long-term cost savings for homeowners
  • the popularity of apps/websites like TikTok, Instagram, and YouTube, all of which inspire homeowners to take on new projects and improve their homes

However, several factors will limit market growth in certain sectors. These include:

  • economic conditions such as inflation, which can reduce consumer spending power and lead to tighter household budgets
  • the availability of skilled labor, as a scarcity can lead to increased wages and project estimates as competition between professional companies intensifies
  • unpredictable weather conditions attributable to climate change, which affects the availability of plants and materials
  • Effective and targeted marketing will continue to be important in developing further sales opportunities for landscaping products. This includes:
  • marketing to aging and retired consumers, who often have more time and higher levels of income to invest in their outdoor spaces
  • building on the popularity of the do-it-for-me (DIFM) trend by developing landscaping design tools and specialty products that target the professional end user
  • marketing products to new homeowners and to younger generations purchasing their first homes

Study Scope & Product Description

This study covers the US market for hardscaping products, which are generally defined as the permanent elements in a landscape other than the plants and vegetation. This report uses a narrower definition and includes only durable products used to make such landscape architecture as patios, walkways, retaining walls, edging, site-built outdoor fireplaces, and outdoor kitchens, including:

  • concrete pavers, slabs, and planks
  • lumber (boards and planks made from wood, plastic, and composite)
  • blocks (concrete, stone, and glass)
  • ready-mix concrete
  • stone tile, slab, and veneer
  • clay brick
  • aggregates (sand, gravel, and crushed stone)
  • other hardscaping products, such as porcelain and ceramic tile, plastic products such as edging and faux rocks, glass tile, and stone boulders

Key Topics Covered:

1. Executive Summary

2. About This Report

  • Study Scope & Product Description
  • Short-Term Hardscaping Industry Trends

3. Overview

  • Historical Market Trends
  • Markets Overview
  • DIY versus Professional Trends
    • Demand by User/Installer
    • Professional
    • Consumer/DIY
  • Pricing & Inflation
  • General Landscaping Outlook & Competitive Products

4. Factors Impacting Hardscaping Demand

  • Homeownership
    • Ownership vs. Rentals
    • Household Income & Homeownership
    • Homeownership by Age Group
  • Average Lot Size & Outdoor Space Trends
  • Urbanization
  • Outdoor Living
    • What is Outdoor Living?
    • Impact on Hardscaping Product Purchases
  • Xeriscaping Trends
  • Sustainability
    • Recycling & Recycled Content
    • Water Conservation/Drought
    • Climate Change

5. Consumer Trends & Insights

  • Lawns, Gardens, & Outdoor Space
  • Improvements to Yard, Garden, or Other Outdoor Space
  • Landscaping Attitudes
  • Recent Hardscaping Product Purchases

6. Products

  • Demand by Product Type
  • Concrete Pavers, Slabs, & Planks
  • Lumber (Wood, Plastic & Composite)
  • Stone Tile, Slab, & Veneer
  • Ready-Mix Concrete
  • Blocks (Concrete, Stone, & Glass)
  • Clay Brick
  • Aggregates (Sand, Gravel, & Crushed Stone)
  • Other Hardscaping Products

7. Material Trends

8. Applications

9. Residential Market

10. Commercial Market

11. Recreation & Infrastructure Market

12. Regions

13. Retail Strategies

  • Retail Level Hardscaping Product Sales
  • Marketing & Advertising: Telling the Story; Reaching the Client
    • Strategies & Media Used
    • Sustainability & Eco-Friendliness
    • Product Origin
    • Digital Media
  • Retail Distribution Channels
    • Consumer Retail Shopping Patterns: Sales by Primary & Secondary Retail Outlet
    • Home Centers
    • Mass Merchandisers
    • Garden Centers
    • E-Commerce
    • Other Retail Distribution

14. Key Suppliers & Market Share

  • Industry Composition
  • Market Share
  • Mergers & Acquisitions
  • Professional Distributor & Direct Sales