CNY plow company works to keep up with demand for snow removal Working to remove snow and ice, something Pro Snow Removal does every season.
“It is the most chaotic. We’re fighting the weather. Our job is not to manage the snow, but it’s to manage the risk. So you know the risk can come and go at any time,” Johnson said.
But Johnson and his crews have been taking that risk for the past 15 years, working to clear snow off people’s driveways and sidewalks.
“For a residential contract, the standard trigger is three inches. When you have three inches in your driveway, that’s when we start the routes and begin plowing the driveway,” said Johnson.
But a big portion of their business is commercial.
“With our commercial properties, when we have three or more inches, most likely plowing those three to four times in one day,” said Johnson.
Johnson says its crews use a variety of equipment to remove snow and ice, including plows, snow blowers, shovels and more.
“Mostly commercial parking lots is what we specialize in. We have the equipment and the manpower and the tools to clean those lots, and salt them, and make sure they’re safe for people to walk and drive in,” said Johnson.
Johnson says both residential and commercial customers must pay per season. The company does not offer per visit services. However, if you find yourself in a pickle, and don’t have a contract, Johnson says he’ll do what he can to help you out.
“We’re flexible. We’re a local-owned family business, so we’re not going to be strict on the timelines for that,” Johnson said.
All contracts are a flat seasonable fee. Commercial contracts are broken into an equal monthly payment, unless another payment arrangement is made with the client.
“I live in my community, I work in my community, I coach sports in my community. I am active in the local optimist club. So, when people talk to me and they want to do business with me, I just shoot it straight with them,” Johnson said. “I tell them my price, I tell them what we offer, and my job is to do what I say. I feel really bad that there’s guys out there scamming people, but you know I charge accordingly too. I am not the cheapest guy. I am certainly not the most expensive guy,” said Johnson.
“But if you’re getting quotes from someone for snow plowing service and they have no ties to the community, you don’t know who they are, you don’t have any references, you don’t have any testimonials, maybe it’s a good idea to get a couple more quotes,” said Johnson.
Pro Snow Removal is currently not accepting new customers for the season. However, they are accepting new customers for next season.